Friday, August 7, 2009

Clendenin, a History (cont'd)

We find, besides, the commerical part of the town, the mills, the gas wells and the factories therefrom and many lumber enterprises. The descendants of Lieutenant John Young and Bob Aaron still reside on Elk. Once there was a log boom on Elk and small packets ran also. There are two bridges at mouth of Sandy - one across Big Sandy and the other across Elk near by. This town only wants a railroad up the Sandy to bring away the coal and timber and take the necessities for oil and gas wells and the pipes therefor, the grain and such like products - this line across to Spencer would be a wonderful advantage.
There are four oil and gas companies operating: United Fuel Gas Company, and Hope Gas Company, branches of the Standard Oil Company, which have been operating here for six or seven years; Koontz Oil and Gas Company, organized in 1907 and the Clendenin Oil & Gas Company, organized in 1910.
Among the business enterprises of the town we find the following: Robertson & Parris Company, general store; Clendenin Bargain Store, dry goods and notions; C.M. Morrison, general store; Roush, Robertson Company, general store; P.D. Matheny & Joshua Parsons, grocers; J.B. Cook, grocer; King Hardware Company, J.W. Parris Lumber Company; a flouring mill operated by David Pettigrew and F. Crowell. The physicians of the place are: Dr. Grover C. Robertson, Dr. A.L. Morris, Dr. A.C. Vandine, Dr. Charles Stump and Dr. Fox. The dentists are: Dr. Milton and Dr. Garnes. The present postmaster is Mr. Riley.
There is a Southern M.E. Church in Clendenin, the pastor of which is A.H. Perkins. They held services for some time before erecting their church building.
The Baptist church has been organized since the town was laid out. Rev. Jonathan Smith is the pastor and he is one of the oldest pastors in the state. There is also a Northern M.E. Church, whose pastor is Rev. Fallen.
The first mayor of Clendenin was L.V. Koontz and the last, E.R. Oglevee.
In 1910 the town installed a system of waterworks and in the same year a ladder hose company was formed, there having been a bucket fire department for four or five years. In 1905 and 1908 the town was visited by fire. There is a very good high school building. The public school and high school building combined was built in 1911.
Fraternally there is the Clendenin Lodge No. 26, A.F. & A.M., a lodge of the I.O.O.F. and one of the Improved Order of Red Men.

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